Veranstaltung auf Englisch
Local Food Projects as Drivers for Food System Change
FoodSHIFT 2030 Berlin Lab – Regional Kick-off Event

To ensure access to safe, healthy, nutritious and affordable food that can nourish our communities as well as our planet, we need a shift towards more plant-based, resilient and localized food systems. The innovation action project FoodSHIFT 2030 is putting citizens at the centre of food systems change. To incubate local citizen driven food system innovations, 9 living labs across Europe – 1 in Berlin – are getting established in partnership with engaged citizens, NGOs, SMEs, researchers, local administration and policy makers.
Join us for the Berlin Lab Kick-off. For the next 2 years we – ZALF, agrarthaer, Ernährungsrat Berlin and Baumhaus Berlin – will collaborate to incubate local food projects here in Berlin. Our lab focuses on further developing Urban Food Hubs (LebensMittelPunkte) for the food system transition in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. We invite our networks, stakeholders and fellow people interested in supporting local action to come by or tune in to our gathering. We will introduce the project, share our plans and invitations for collaborations.
Speakers include: Simone Zeil (Ernährungsrat Brandenburg); Johanna Naatz (Auenhof / GemüseSyndikat); Lorena Unger (AG Urban); Ann-Christin Weber (Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung); Julia Scherer, Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg; Luke Schafer (University of Copenhagen); Beatrice Walthall and José Luis Vicente (Leibniz-Institut für Agrarlandschaftsforschung ZALF); Henrike Rieken, Annette Jensen und Lisa Haarhoff (Ernährungsrat Berlin); Karen Wohlert (Baumhaus Berlin)
11-12h: Welcome & Panel: Introduction to FoodSHIFT 2030
12-13h: Presentations: The Berlin Lab’s goals and approach
15-17h: Stakeholder Inputs: Projects in the region, how to collaborate
Looking forward to your feedback, ideas and all kinds of collaborations. If you can’t make it to the events, just write us an email

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 862716.