Audio Guide: Listening to the taste of future — food policy walks through Berlin’s neighbourhoods

Everywhere in Berlin there are committed people who are demonstrating what a climate-friendly food transition for Berlin can look like with forward-looking projects and initiatives. We want to make these projects and actors of food policy change in Berlin more visible and better known – after all, nothing is more convincing than seeing that something already exists and works!
How to use the audio guides:
There are two tours, one through Kreuzberg and one through Wedding. You can use the maps below to find the individual stops on the tours. You can let yourself drift through the city, select the respective station on your mobile phone and listen to the audio (in German) while you look at the project. The photos will give you even more inspiring insights.
Alternatively, if you can’t or don’t want to listen or do not understand German, you can read the English texts on the respective stations. Of course, you can also explore the tours on your computer from home. Let Mona guide you through Berlin – we hope you have fun!
Kreuzberg Tour
Hello dear listeners, I am Mona and today I am walking with you through Kreuzberg to five different projects representing food system change in Berlin. We urgently need this food system change, because we cannot continue to be dependent on four large retail chains in Berlin. We need solutions on how to organize food in the city. The five projects I’m visiting for you today show that a different world is entirely possible and that the food system can be designed differently and in a sustainable way.
A change of diet means changes in many places. That’s why we set out today to explore a few places and meet people who are thinking about it from different directions. And who dare to try something new or rediscover something they have forgotten. I hope our walk has also sparked your imagination and maybe now you’re thinking about where you too can start. In any case, it has become clear to me that the food revolution can only succeed if many, many people come together, organize themselves, participate and contribute their ideas and wishes, their knowledge and their experience.
If you enjoyed the tour and want to discover more places already living the food system transformation in Berlin, then I can recommend another tour from us, for example the one through Wedding. Thank you for listening and for taking part, and now I’m going to drift a bit through Kreuzberg myself and think about what I’ve learned in the conversations with the projects. Bye!
Wedding Tour
Hello dear listeners! My name is Mona, I live in Berlin and today I’m taking you through a tour of Berlin’s city district “Wedding”. I’m visiting projects and smart people who are working on changing the food system in Berlin. We really need to change our food system urgently, because our current way of eating causes one third of global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, more and more children are suffering from allergies. And these are just two factors why things can’t continue as they are. The good news is that Berlin is full of solutions. There are many people in Berlin who are already working to change the food system in the city. I’m out and about in Wedding and will be visiting five places with you. Come along and have fun!
This ends my Wedding Tour and I say goodbye and thank you for listening and coming along. I hope you learned as much as I did. Be sure to check out the Kreuzberg Tour, our second audio guide, where we visit five exciting projects in Kreuzberg that are advancing the food transformation in Berlin!